Young Indigo singing & performance workshops

Monday evenings 6pm - 8pm - 6 to 11 years at the Arts Lab
Monday evenings 6pm - 8pm - 12 to 18 years at the Arts Lab
Minimusic sessions available for the first hour (6pm - 7pm) for 4-6 years

Singing and performance workshops for children and young people. All are welcome in a friendly and informal environment with an emphasis on learning through fun and team work. Repertoire is mostly pop, rock and musical theatre, but a willingness to have a go at anything is useful in a very much participant led organisation! Young Indigo are involved in two main productions each year, as well as lots of community performance and involvement in other events. The majority of performances are supported by live music from Indigo's sessional musicians, who form house band Indigo Noise. As well as developing singing and performance skills and technique, Young Indigo is designed to build confidence, social and creative skills, encourage community building and support wellbeing. Participants gain access to many other indigo opportunities on offer.

Young indigo was originally Musicmaker, founded in 2000 becoming part of Indigo arts in 2001.
Singing workshops, Vocal coaching, Performance workshops, Reditch, Worcestershire
